VALKYRIES: Harmonization and Pre-Standardization of and Tactical Coordinated procedures for First Aid Vehicles deployment on European multi-victim Disasters
European Commission, H2020-ICT, 101020676, 5.995.757,50€, 01/10/2021 – 30/09/2023
Posted March 23, 2023 by Enrique Tomás Martínez Beltrán ‐ 2 min read
H2020-VALKYRIES will develop, integrate and demonstrate capabilities for enablingimmediate and coordinated emergency response including search and rescue, security and health, in scenarios of natural/provoked catastrophes with multiple victims, with special application in cases in which several regions or countries are affected and hence greater interoperability being required. H2020-VALKYRIES will propose both design and development of a modular, interoperable, scalable and secure platform, which will allow the integration between legacy solutions and new technologies. The platform will be able to deploy services and dynamically adapt its behaviour, as the emergency requires it. A series of use cases and demonstrators will be developed placing an emphasis on cross-frontier and cross-sectorial BLOS (Beyond Line of Sight) scenarios, where the usual communications infrastructure could have been damaged, and emergency response teams are deployed without an accurate view of the operation environment.
Indra (Spain, Coordinator), Servicio Madrileño de Salud (Spain), Tassica Emergency Training & Research (Spain), ISEM – Inštitút pre medzinárodnú bezpečnosť at krízové riadenie, n. o (Slovakia), Universidad de Murcia (Spain), Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Italy), Blockchain2050 BV (Netherlands), Institut Po Otbrana (Bulgaria), Bulgarian Red Cross (Bulgaria), Kentro Meleton Asfaleias (Greece), Hospital do Espírito Santo de Évora (Portugal), Aratos Ntot Net LTD (Greece), University of South-Eastern Norway (Norway), Agenzia Regionale Emergenza Urgenza (Italy), Hellenic Rescue Team (Greece), Novotec Consultores (Spain), Particle Summary (Portugal)